We are huge animal lovers here at Sage, and if you ever came to see us when we were at Bank Farm Buildings you might have met Jo’s three Springer Spaniels – Hope, Sophie and Indie.
Colleagues and clients, we would love to hear from you! Send us pictures of your wonderful pets to jo@sagepsych.co.uk… funny ones, beautiful ones, however they come… with a caption, and tell us what they bring to your day. We’ll share your pictures and words below.
Pets are often a source of comfort and companionship for those who share their lives. Whilst owners come from all walks of life, some may have limited social contact, and others may be elderly or poorly and rarely get out, and pets can change their lives for the better. Pets can also be used in therapy with pretty much everyone, from tiny tots to older adults. Dogs, in particular, can push their owners to get out and exercise, often impacting positively on mental health. Conversations with other dog owners can help people connect socially and feel more a part of their wider neighbourhood. The need to care for a pet can bring structure and purpose to someone’s day. And then there is that wonderful unconditional love. They love you back whatever the weather. We also know that stroking your pet can reduce blood pressure and stress. For many owners, the bond with their pet is deep and abiding. We therefore think it is worth celebrating our pets, and acknowledging that we are privileged to have them in our lives.
Click on the following link for an interesting 2019 article in The Psychologist: https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/lifespan-dog-owner
Eddy – sent in by Ali, AJ Case Management // Specialist Recruitment
“Eddy (7yrs) is one of our 4 rescue springer spaniels. He has 2 surviving sisters, one being his twin Tilly. Working at home means having Eddy sitting on your feet all day and he doesn’t leave your side for a minute. His other sister is Ruby (15yrs) and RIP Penny at 15 yrs.”
What an absolute cutie! Meet Miley.
Beauty – sent in by SC, Past Client
Can you believe how stunning this cat is? SC’s landlord wouldn’t let her have a cat for many years, but she stuck to her guns, and Beauty has finally come into her life, bringing warmth, cuddles and love❤️
Sophie – by Jo
Life can sometimes be just too hard, and where else to prop your weary head but on the duck down softness of mum’s typing chair. Don’t you just envy their ability to nap whenever and wherever..
Mimi – by Jenna
Mimi is a domestic short hair who came in to my life 3 months ago unexpectedly really. To cut a long story short he was no longer wanted by his previous owners and so I took him under my care. He’s such a funny and loving cat! I love watching him throw his mouse toy around (thankfully I’ve not had to deal with any real life ones), and snoozing on my lap with his tongue out! To me, there’s nothing like watching an animal to witness mindfulness in action, and his little greetings in the morning and when I’m home from work are very heartwarming!
An Unexpected Visitor
We couldn’t not share this! This little nestling was lying, apparently lifeless, on the concrete one morning. No sign of anxious parents or a nest nearby. Miraculously it survived. After Jo, very uncharacteristically, was late for an MDT because she was feeding it squashed worms, the wonderful RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre took it in. Turned out it was a house sparrow. Jo wished she could have kept it!
Indie – by Jo
Who… me?
The Life of a Dog Owner
What are you eating?
Come back here with that!!
Open your mouth